Homecoming Parade
The University of Minnesota Homecoming Parade takes place during homecoming week. It begins in the evening and runs down University Avenue SE from 12th Avenue SE to Walnut Street. Members and alumni of the Nordic Ski Team will rollerski and walk in the parade in order to promote the team and school spirit, and participate in one of the oldest traditions at the U.

Team Trip
Final week before the start of the semester
Every year, the Nordic Ski Team takes a week-long ski trip to the American Birkebeiner Trailhead in Cable, WI. This year's Team Trip will take place January 8-12, 2024.

Fall Camping Trip
Every year the team takes a trip camping for a weekend in early to mid October. This year we will be attending Afton State Park from October 13-15th, 2023. The trip includes bonfires, hikes, potential swimming, and lots of games!